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RedoxHTML - Game Services | Select a language
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Unsere Website setzt Cookies ein um ihnen unsere Dienstleistungen anzubieten, mit einem Click auf "Entdecken" stimmen Sie dem zu. Ein Tranzparenzbericht zur Nutzung der Cookies erhalten Sie [hier].
Unsere Software setzt ein anonymes identifizierbares Cookie ein, dieses dient dem Zweck die Besucherzahlen zuverlässiger zu ermitteln.
Dieses Cookie enthält Informationen, zur Zeit werden diese Informationen nicht verarbeitet.
Sprach- und Anzeigeeinstellungen werden in Cookies gespeichert.
Da keine Useraccounts möglich sind, werden alle Anzeigeeinstellungen die Sie speichern anstatt auf einer Datenbank in mehrere Cookies ausgelagert.
Diese Cookies werden unsererseits ausgewertet, eine Zuordnung findet bei der Erfassung dieser Informationen nicht statt.
Da wir uns finanzieren müssen, setzen wir Werbung von Google Adsense und deren Werbepartner ein, dieses Cookie besteht aus einem Satz von 2 Cookies.
Unsererseits wird angenommen das Google diese Informationen aus den Cookies speichert und verarbeitet. Weitere Informationen können Sie den Google Adsense Datenschutzbestimmungen entnehmen.
Da wir keine Datenbanken über Besucher führen, legen wir diese Cookies an.
Sie haben Jederzeit die Möglichkeit diese in ihrem Browser zu löschen. Stimmen Sie diesen Bestimmungen erneut zu wird ein neuer Satz von Cookies angelegt, der alte Satz wird seitens unserer Software nicht wiederverwendet.
EnglishDiscover >>
Our Website uses Cookies to offer you our Services if you click on "Discover" you agree to set Cookies on your Browser. A full transparency report about cookies can be found [here].
Our software sets a anonymified identificable cookie to improve the statistic evaluation of visitors.
This cookie contains information that is not beeing processed or stored.
Language and display settings are stored in cookies.
As we don't use user accounts, those settings are stored in cookies instead of databases.
Those informations get processed, there is no assignment storing this information.
As we need funds to offer content, we use advertisement delivered by Google Adsense and their advertisement partners, it consist on a set 2 of cookies.
Google processes and stores this information. More specific information can be found at the data protection specifications of Google Adsense.
As we don't use a user system, we set cookies on your browser.
You have the choice to delete them at any time deleting the cookies on your browser.
Using our service and agreeing us again to use setting, sets a new cookie set that won't be assigned to previous/old cookie sets.
Español / Spanish Descubrir >>
Nuestra página usa Cookies para ofrecerle nuestros servicios. Dando un click al botón "Descubrir" usted acepta el uso de cookies. El informe de transparencia acerca de cookies se encuentra [aquí].
Esta software usa un cookie anonimizado y identificable. Este cookie se usa para mejorar las estadísticas de visitantes.
Este cookie contiene información que actualmente no se processa ni se guarda.
La configuración está guardada en cookies.
Debido a que no ofrecemos cuentas de usuarios, la configuración está guardada en cookies.
Estas informaciones se procesan y se guardan con ninguna referencia al usuario.
For el financiamiento usamos el sistema de anuncios de Google Adsense. Google AdSense pone 2 cookies que son identificables, que se procesan y guardan.
Más información se pueden encontrar en las especificaciones de protección de datos de Google AdSense.
Debido a que no usamos un sistema de usuarios, guardamos ciertas informaciones en cookies.
Usted tiene la opción de borrar los cookies usando la opción requerida en su navegador.
Cada vez que usted acepte estas condiciones tras borrar los cookies, no se va a reciclar ningún dato antiguo por nuestro de este software.


Service & info


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Game Services
*A translation of this content is not available.
Release of RedoxHTML 0.35
We release RedoxHTML 0.35 with XFace Framework 1.47 R0
After all our experiences made on the administration now we are able to start the update for the client.

RedoxHTML 0.35 releases in combination with XFace Framework 1.47 R0 (Release 0).

Following changes have been made:
- removed overlay Usercenter
- changed overlay Displaycenter to Settingscenter (Translations missing)
- Technical implementation of the Helpcenter (Testing)
- Technical implementation of the Infocenter (Testing)
- Technical implementation for the recognition of available translations (Beta)
- Corrections on some displays (Visits, Autor, etc.)
- Added translations for the sorting system
- Changes and checkups for the sorting system
- Added download options

Release 0 is the first release, there will be a lot of updates to improve our interface.
Release 0 includes 15% of the updated planned for this version. The total updates required for finishing this version are 36 on the roadmap of this version.

- Better display experience on mobile devices, changes on the design are probable (unknown range)
- Developement of the addon Sega Genesis and Master System to the state of available software
- Developement of the plugin Homepage
- Print preview (color / black-white - text only) - includes 3 updates
- Correction on the visitor counting
- Inclusion of XFace 1.5x technology components into the interface (performance update)
- The XFace extension XFace Slider gets a major update for future software (play/pause, before/after, autostart option) - includes 5 Updates
- Changes on the search
- Internal changes
RedoxHTML 0.34 TR6 Release
RedoxHTML 0.34 TR6 Release
We have updated our services, there are no detailed descriptions available.
RedoxHTML 0.32 R2 ist online
*A translation of this content is not available.
RedoxHTML Games wurde aktualisiert.
*A translation of this content is not available.
Update of RedoxHTML 0.30 Unity
Release 2 for RedoxHTML 0.30 Unity (0.30.r2)
The work on the client side of RedoxHTML 0.30 is now done and ready to release.

=> Improvements on the interface translations
=> Little improvements on the style
=> Updated Liscence system onto new design
=> Updates related to updates for the XFace Framework 1.43

=> Database update, some contents have been activated or categorized.

Next update: RedoxHTML 0.31 with XFace Framework 1.43.
RedoxHTML Shadow - RedoxHTML 0.20-beta3 Release
*A translation of this content is not available.
RedoxHTML Shadow - RedoxHTML 0.20-beta2 Release
*A translation of this content is not available.
RedoxHTML Shadow - RedoxHTML 0.20-beta1 Release
*A translation of this content is not available.
*A translation of this content is not available.
Showing elements 1 - 10 from 11 elements in total.
12> >|
XFace Cookie List
XFace Shell (R) 1.45 (XFace_CDS)

WARNING Cookie display feature is in testing mode!

XFace Cookie List
XFace Shell (R) 1.45 (XFace_CDS)

WARNING Cookie display feature is in testing mode!