9/11/15/6/6/2/10/9/12/7/4/15/5/9/11/7/6/11/14/4/15/11/14/2/3/13/1/6/10/14/9/3/15/3/15/13/11/6/10/5/2/13/2/3/11/2/5/10/5/14/14/13/15/7/12/11/ RedoxHTML - Game Services
XFACE 2.00 alpha0.build200901 Warning
The width on your device is too low, please turn your device horizontaly.




Sort by: Quantity Save settings

Lost City of Atlantis

Lost City of Atlantis -NoT(DOSBOX)[en-EN]
Lost City of Atlantis - Noch Software Inc. 1995
Release of RedoxHTML 0.35
We release RedoxHTML 0.35 with XFace Framework 1.47 R0
After all our experiences made on the administration now we are able to start the update for the client.

RedoxHTML 0.35 releases in combination with XFace Framework 1.47 R0 (Release 0).

Following changes have been made:
- removed overlay Usercenter
- changed overlay Displaycenter to Settingscenter (Translations missing)
- Technical implementation of the Helpcenter (Testing)
- Technical implementation of the Infocenter (Testing)
- Technical implementation for the recognition of available translations (Beta)
- Corrections on some displays (Visits, Autor, etc.)
- Added translations for the sorting system
- Changes and checkups for the sorting system
- Added download options

Release 0 is the first release, there will be a lot of updates to improve our interface.
Release 0 includes 15% of the updated planned for this version. The total updates required for finishing this version are 36 on the roadmap of this version.

- Better display experience on mobile devices, changes on the design are probable (unknown range)
- Developement of the addon Sega Genesis and Master System to the state of available software
- Developement of the plugin Homepage
- Print preview (color / black-white - text only) - includes 3 updates
- Correction on the visitor counting
- Inclusion of XFace 1.5x technology components into the interface (performance update)
- The XFace extension XFace Slider gets a major update for future software (play/pause, before/after, autostart option) - includes 5 Updates
- Changes on the search
- Internal changes

Sonic the Hedgehog SMS Test

Sonic the Hedgehog SMS Test
To play 'Sonic the Hedgehog SMS Test' click on the play button.

*The translation of this Adobe Flash player based game has been translated automaticly because there is no detailed translation available.

Sonic Megamix Megadrive JP/USA Test

Sonic Megamix Megadrive JP/USA Test
To play 'Sonic Megamix Megadrive JP/USA Test' click on the play button.

*The translation of this Adobe Flash player based game has been translated automaticly because there is no detailed translation available.
RedoxHTML 0.34 TR6 Release
RedoxHTML 0.34 TR6 Release
We have updated our services, there are no detailed descriptions available.
RedoxHTML 0.32 R2 ist online
*A translation of this content is not available.
RedoxHTML Games wurde aktualisiert.
*A translation of this content is not available.
Update of RedoxHTML 0.30 Unity
Release 2 for RedoxHTML 0.30 Unity (0.30.r2)
The work on the client side of RedoxHTML 0.30 is now done and ready to release.

=> Improvements on the interface translations
=> Little improvements on the style
=> Updated Liscence system onto new design
=> Updates related to updates for the XFace Framework 1.43

=> Database update, some contents have been activated or categorized.

Next update: RedoxHTML 0.31 with XFace Framework 1.43.


Zzt--1991--Epic-Megagames-Inc -NoT(DOSBOX)[en-EN]
Zzt is a MS-DOS game (Microsoft Disk Operating System) that has been factured by Epic Megagames Inc and released to the market at 1991.

Click the 'Play' button now to start the game on your browser.
(i) We recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to run this game on your browser. Other browsers may not be compatible.
*The description has been generated automaticly.


Zyll--1984--Marshal-Linder -NoT(DOSBOX)[en-EN]
Zyll is a MS-DOS game (Microsoft Disk Operating System) that has been factured by Marshal Linder and released to the market at 1984.

Click the 'Play' button now to start the game on your browser.
(i) We recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to run this game on your browser. Other browsers may not be compatible.
*The description has been generated automaticly.
Showing elements 1 - 10 from 1233 elements in total.
1234> >|
XFace Cookie List
XFace Shell (R) 1.45 (XFace_CDS)

WARNING Cookie display feature is in testing mode!

XFace Cookie List
XFace Shell (R) 1.45 (XFace_CDS)

WARNING Cookie display feature is in testing mode!